Friday, July 23, 2010

7 weeks old

What a happy boy! Owen is at a point where he doesn't cry very often, and even then it's only when he needs something. Lucky us! He is sleeping about 8 hours at night now (with one quick bottle and diaper change in the middle). He's starting to be interested in toys and other objects. He's holding his head up a little bit, although it's still pretty wobbly. He is so alert and curious about the things around him. Up until now his world was pretty small, but it's starting to get much bigger now.

This week Owen went to his first grown-up party and his first birthday party. He was so well-behaved at both events, and liked being in new places. Life is good for little Owen!
That smile melts my heart

He is reeeeally concentrating on his baby kung fu


Time for a nap!

Play time with Sydney and Grammy

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