Friday, July 23, 2010

Jeremy SO wishes he wasn't at ComiCon, right?

When Daddy's away...

Jeremy asked me to send him pictures of Owen while he was in San Diego for ComiCon, and luckily Owen decided to be super cute! Seriously, how can he stand to be away from such cuteness?

Now that I'm caught up to date, here's what's new at 9 weeks old:
  • Owen has discovered his feet. He can't quite reach them but he certainly tries.
  • He's loving his new car. Oh who am I kidding, he probably can't tell the difference, except that he gets jostled around a lot less now that he's cruising around in a 4-door.
  • The hand sucking is in full force. It's nice that he self-soothes, but helloooo orthodontics!
  • Owen still fusses at tummy time, but now he at least tries to push himself up a little bit.
  • He is grasping things with his hands (or at least trying to).

Owen "petting" Sydney for the first time. He's also starting to seem to notice her more.

Reaching out for Marley

Owen and his grandpa

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