Now, catching up on May...
What do cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, peaches, and strawberries have in common? They are all among the things Owen is allergic to. Poor Owen had to have 6 vials of blood taken so he could be tested for the allergies we suspected, and some others too. So now the challenge is finding things he can (and will) eat, and I am now a chronic food label reader. I see lots of nut-free tables and no more trips to Yogurtland in our future, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Owen will get tested again in 2 years, and hopefully he'll grow out of some or all of his allergies.
Owen's first birthday was spent at Alamo Creek Park with his friends and family. He had his own cake to dig into, but he wasn't very interested in it. He mostly liked being held by the people in his family and opening presents. It was unseasonably freezing, but luckily the hail held off until the next day.
Owen's personality is coming out pretty clearly. He's sweet and cuddly, but independent, too. He loves reading his books, and he definitely has his favorites, most of which are about animals. He wasn't walking yet, but crawling like crazy, and getting into everything.
Not walking yet, but getting into everything (like our bedroom closet)
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