Monday, December 27, 2010

Oakland Zoo

We took Owen on his first trip to the zoo! He was much more interested in touching the railings and watching the other kids, but some of the animals fascinated him-- the gazelles and tortoises were his favorites.

Owen woke up from his nap to look at the camels

It was a cold day-- we warmed up in the Reptile House

Owen's favorite animal was the giant tortoise. He got right up close and laughed.

Having fun with Daddy in the Children's Zoo

Watching the chimpanzees

Owen's First Christmas

No coal for this baby-- Owen was a very good boy this year! His first Christmas was celebrated FOUR times! Christmas Eve with the Averills, Christmas morning with the three of us (plus Sydney), Christmas morning #2 at Grandma and Grandpa's, and then on to Hidden Valley Lake for Christmas dinner. Owen didn't really care about unwrapping presents, but he loved seeing all his family.
Christmas morning- carrying on the Pink family tradition of bows-on-the-baby's-head

Owen loves his workbench from Santa

Reindeer ears at Grandma & Grandpa's

Who needs presents when you can play with wrapping paper, tissue paper, and ribbons?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

6 Months Old

Length: 27 inches (down to the 75th percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs. 10 oz. (75th percentile)
New "words": Babababa, Dadadada, Rararara, Nananana, Dot
New skills: Rolling all the way over (finally)
New food: rice cereal
Favorite book: How Do I Love You?
Favorite toy: his feet

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Owen, dressed as Batman, accompanied me in my school's Halloween parade.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Like Daddy

Owen had his first trip to San Francisco and his first visit to Jeremy's work. He got to see his daddy's Academy of Art friends and also ride on BART for the first time.

He was really interested in this skeleton in Nicholas' office.

Riding home

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bucks Lake Cabin Trip

Owen had his first family vacation! He loved the tall trees, the cabin, and being around Oisin and Jakodi. The beach and the great outdoors? Not so much.

Bucks Lake- the view from our bedroom at the cabin

As Seamas put it: "Owen's first trip to the beach: BORRRING!"

Snoozing at the beach

Oisin giving Owen some love

Owen LOVED looking at the trees
Seamas and Jeremy: BFFs
An example of excellent parenting: babies & beers


Jakodi and Sierra

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Owen's Top Ten Favorite Things

These are a few of my favorite things:
1. My family
2. Playing/kicking on my changing table
3. My mobile, especially my pink monkey
4. Inspecting my feet
5. Looking at things in my house (ceiling fan, curtains, picture frames)
6. Elmo
7. My bouncy chair
8. Eating
9. Sucking my thumb and fingers
10. A clean diaper!

Owen's First Cookout

We decided not to go on the big family camping trip to Trinity Lake this year, figuring that a 2 month old baby and a disobedient dog would be too much trouble.  Instead, we made a cameo at a camping trip much closer to home, at Lake Chabot, so close to home that you could still hear the BART trains :)

After our cookout at the campsite, it's safe to say that we're glad we skipped Trinity.  It was fun, but Owen was cold, Sydney stole bones, etc.  I think it will be better next year when Owen is a little older.  But the pictures paint a pretty picture of Owen's first cookout.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

All riight, all riight, all riiight...

My son has begun paying tribute to the finest actor of our time-- Matthew McConaughey-- by pulling up his shirt at any and every opportunity.

Friday, July 30, 2010


8 hours of sleep.
In a row.
No feedings.
No diaper changes.
Aaaahhh :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sooooo Big!

Owen had his 2 month check-up yesterday and it proved that he is growing like crazy: 15 pounds 8 ounces, 25 inches long. He's in the 98th percentile for both height and weight. Owen also had his first round of vaccinations, which did NOT make him a happy boy. (Jeremy and I had to get shots, too.) He's had a fever since yesterday and he slept all day today. He finally got a little energy this evening, enough to do a little baby kung fu.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's official- we have a thumb sucker!

Practically overnight, Owen has started sucking his thumb (instead of his fingers or fist). Notice that he appears to be a lefty, much to Jeremy's delight :)